Advanced Functional Ceramics Group

José Ortiz Landeros, Ph.D.


Sección de Estudios de Posgrado e Investigación, Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Química e Industrias Extractivas, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, UPALM-Zacatenco, IPN Avenue, Mexico City 07738, Mexico.


Phone: +52 (55) 57296000, Ext. 54267

About the AFC group:

The Advanced Functional Ceramics group belongs to the Department of Metallurgy and Materials at ESIQIE-IPN, National Polytechnic Institute in Mexico. The research work is focused on the chemical synthesis, processing, characterization, and analysis of functional materials, primarily advanced ceramics, for environmental and energy applications. Generally speaking, we make samples via chemical synthesis, such as sol-gel, combustion, mechanosynthesis, hydrothermal, among others. Moreover, we have experience in powder-based ceramic processing approaches, and we use a suite of chemical, structural, and microstructural characterization techniques to understand fundamental structure-processing-property relationships.

The Advanced Functional Ceramics research group conducts studies on materials chemistry for air pollution control technologies, environmental catalysis, photocatalyst, and inorganic membranes for gas separation and hydrogen production.